social media logos on a phone

Communication means many things to many people. When in the plural, communications is often
used to describe the technology individuals use to talk to each other, exchange information or data.
Popular examples include e-mail, telephone and the ubiquitous text message. There is a veritable
communications explosion!

However, do people really know how to connect? Are we really communicating or just sharing random thoughts and musings? In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, has the emphasis
turned towards quantity rather than the quality of communication?

When in the singular, communication is the means whereby, without necessarily a reliance on
technology, living things will exchange ideas and engage with each other. This is how humans
impart feelings, likes and dislikes, common aims and goals, successes and failures. Animals, birds
and insects have similar ways of communicating whether through audible or physical cues.

However, the art of genuine and meaningful communication is ensuring that the true intent behind
your message is accurately delivered to the receiver. It is vital to concentrate upon the quality, not
the quantity.

Author and Ted Talk* presenter Simon Sinek says: “Communication is not about speaking what we
think. Communication is about ensuring others hear what we mean.”

Put that into the context of the popularisation of communications and we are provided with a very
obvious question. To what extent does this public expression represent who we are and what we
really mean?

That is the danger of over-communication – it is now far too easy to share your supposedly most-
intimate thoughts and feelings with the wider world. Your true message could easily get lost in the
plethora of meaningless chatter that whizzes around the planet at the touch of a few keys.

Does it really matter if people amuse themselves in this way? It is, generally, all harmless fun. But
can this be a trap for businesses who are trying to attract customers? What happens if they have a
great product or service but can’t get their message across to their potential customers? What if
their identity and motivations are lost among the crowd?

Consider the many other prompts that people receive on a daily basis – especially in the workplace,
where even valuable e-mails and other messages can get lost in the flood of incoming trivia. How
can you ensure your message stands out?

Regular tweets, promotional emails and text messages in themselves are not enough to get your
business noticed. You must ensure that potential customers hear who you are and what you mean
to say.

You may think that your product or service is the best in the market, but in a world where every
manufacturer or supplier is vying fiercely for business, it is those who succinctly and effectively put
across their vision and values that will thrive.

What a business must impart are its characteristic core values that are so entrenched in its make-up, that without them it would simply cease to exist.

Communication in business relies heavily upon creating an open and interactive relationship between the provider and the customer. This can be effectively supported by partnering good
strategic marketing with structured use of the extensive media resources that are available today.
At Skillmentum, we can help you to formulate, shape and implement an effective communications
strategy that will help to get your messages across to your customers. Contact us today and let’s
start talking.

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